Pattern, Part A


This project is considered an exploration into the iterative nature of Javascript and consists of two parts. This is Part A.

Part A

You will write a Javascript program which uses loops and if statements to create a modular generative pattern.

You will design at least one single pattern unit (a module) (think: div) that changes over the course of its output. Your unit should iterate at least 100 times. With each iteration, your unit should somehow modify itself (content or css attributes: size, color, rotation, shape, texture).


Your pattern should:

  • have at least 2 variables of change (ex: content, color)
  • is allowed to repeat itself (i.e. be a pattern)
  • is allowed to be as abstract or literal as you want (it can tell a story, or it can be an exercise in form).


As you begin designing and coding your pattern, to consider the follow questions:

  • What affordances does the browser window provide? How might your pattern react to them?
  • What digital forms do you find pleasing? How might your pattern exhibit them?
  • What non-digital forms might you integrate?
  • How does your pattern exist on mobile devices? How is your pattern not only responsive, but also reactive to its environment?


Vera Molnar, Toward Aesthetic Guidelines for Paintings with the aid of a Computer